雷鸣 雷鸣
雷鸣 雷鸣
联系方式: leiming@cass.org.cn; leiming.edu@gmail.com
通信地址: 北京市东城区王府井大街27号
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雷鸣,贵州黔南人(布依族),就职于生态文明研究所国土空间与生态安全研究室,中国农业大学土地资源管理博士,全球食物经济与政策研究院博士后,密歇根州立大学系统综合与可持续研究中心联合培养博士,主要研究领域为国土空间与生态安全,可持续人与自然耦合系统,土地与农食系统转型。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和中国博士后科学基金资助项目各1项,在China Agricultural Economic Review, journal of cleaner production,《地理学报》、《资源科学》发表文章10余篇。
Dr. Ming Lei, a native (Buyizu) of Qiannan, Guizhou, works in the Division of National Land Space and Ecological Securit at the Research Institute for Eco-civilization. He graduated from China Agricultural University and studied as a visiting scholar at Michigan State University. His research focuses on socio-ecological systems and food systems transition. Dr. Lei has published over papers in prestigious journals including China Agricultural Economic Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Acta Geographica Sinica, and has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.